Source code for foxmask

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Evaluate if an image contains moving objects (animals).

The main routine of the code will iterate through every folders present 
in the **images** directory and analyze found images, looking
for moving objects.

The following module level attributes are passed
via the command line interface.

    srcdir (str): The directory containing folders (one or many) with images 
        to analyze.

    resultsdir (str): The location where to create the **FoxMaskResults**

import csv
import sys
import os
import cv2
import glob
import time
from datetime import datetime
import shutil
import exiftool
import parameters

time1 = time.time()

[docs]def getfolders(srcdir): """Get the list of all folders in **srcdir** FoxMask needs a list of folders containing images to analyze. Each folder must strictly contain a set of images. No sub folders are allowed. Code will gracefully exit if the **srcdir** argument does not exist. Args: srcdir (str): Top level folder containing all folders to analyze. Returns: list: folderslist. Folders to analyze. """ if not os.path.exists(srcdir): print(srcdir, "directory does not exist !") sys.exit() folderslist = os.walk(srcdir).next()[1] folderslist = [srcdir + '/' + s for s in folderslist] print folderslist return folderslist
[docs]def makeresultsfolder(resultsdir): """Make all needed folders to store the final results. Args: resultsdir (str): Top level folder for storing results. Returns: None """ directories = ['FoxMaskResults', 'FoxMaskResults/tables', 'FoxMaskResults/images', 'FoxMaskResults/masks'] for newdir in directories: if not os.path.exists(resultsdir + '/' + newdir): os.mkdir(os.path.join(resultsdir, newdir))
[docs]class Getimagesinfos: """Build data structure of images to be analyzed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, folder): """Initialize attributes used across methods. Args: folder (str): Actual folder containing images to analyze. imglist (list): Images to analyze. timeofcreation (list): Images time of creation. """ self.folder = folder self.imglist = None self.timeofcreation = None
[docs] def getimageslist(self): """ Generate a list of all images under `folder` Returns: list: imglist. All images under the folder being analyzed. """ imglist = [] imglist1 = glob.glob(self.folder + '/*.JPG') imglist2 = glob.glob(self.folder + '/*.jpg') imglist = imglist1 + imglist2 print 'Done Listing Images...' self.imglist = imglist return imglist
[docs] def getimagesmeta(self): """ Generate a list of all images time of creation. The time of creation is taken from the ``DateTimeOriginal`` key present in every image metadata. If the method can not read the ``DateTimeOriginal`` key, it will look in the ``Comment`` key trying to find the time of creation. Method will gracefully exit if not time of creation can be found. Example of format returned: >>> datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 6, 16, 5, 55) Returns: list: timeofcreation. Datetime objects representing the exact time of creation of each image. """ timeofcreation = [] with exiftool.ExifTool() as et: metadata = et.get_metadata_batch(self.imglist) key = 'EXIF:DateTimeOriginal' if key in metadata[0]: tags1 = [] for y in range(len(metadata)): tag = metadata[y]['EXIF:DateTimeOriginal'] tags1.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime( (time.strptime(tag,"%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S"))))) timeofcreation.extend(tags1) else: tags1 = [] for y in range(len(metadata)): key2 = 'File:Comment' if key2 in metadata[y]: tag2 = date_reg_expAM.findall(metadata[y]['File:Comment']) if tag2 == []: tag2 = date_reg_exp.findall(metadata[y]['File:Comment']) tag = ''.join(map(str, tag2)) tags1.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime( (time.strptime(tag,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))))) else: tag = ''.join(map(str, tag2)) tags1.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime( (time.strptime(tag,"%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p"))))) else: sys.exit("Unable to read metadata...") timeofcreation.extend(tags1) print 'DONE Loading Metadata...' self.timeofcreation = timeofcreation return timeofcreation
[docs] def sortimages(self): """Sort images based on their time of creation. This method makes sure images are appropriately sorted. We do not want to rely on images file name to sort them. Args: timeofcreation (date): A date object representing the time of creation of each image. Returns: list: sortedimglist. Sorted time of creation of all images to analyze. """ sortedimglist = [x for (y,x) in sorted(zip(self.timeofcreation, self.imglist))] sortedtimeofcreation = [x for (y,x) in sorted(zip(self.timeofcreation, self.timeofcreation))] self.sortedimglist = sortedimglist self.sortedtimeofcreation = sortedtimeofcreation return sortedimglist
[docs] def getimpg(self): """Group images based on their time of creation This method will group images based on the differences in time between each shot. Args: maxgap (int): This represent the maximum gap, , in seconds for two consecutive images to be considered as being part of the same group. Returns: list: impg. Number of images in each group. """ impg = [] res = [] for x in self.sortedtimeofcreation: diff = int((x - self.sortedtimeofcreation[0]).total_seconds()) res.append(diff) groups = [[res[0]]] for y in res[1:]: if abs(y - groups[-1][-1]) <= parameters.maxgap: groups[-1].append(y) else: groups.append([y]) impgtemp = [] for group in groups: impgtemp.append(len(group)) impg.extend(impgtemp) print 'Done Creating image sequences' return impg
[docs]class Imagesanalysis(Getimagesinfos): """Analyze images to detect moving objects. Parent: Getimagesinfos """
[docs] def bgfgestimation(self, sortedimglist, impg, srcdir): """Estimate background model and perform foreground segmentation. The method will iterate over each item of the ``impg`` list, and performs the analysis on each groups. The `trcd` value, which is influencing significantly the outcome of the analysis, is pass to the ``ForegroundSegmentation`` code. To pass this value to the cpp code, it is written to a file `/tmp/params.txt` which is then read by the cpp code at runtime. Images to analyze are resized (for performances issues on non server grade hardware) and then saved to a temporary directory that is deleted after each run. The results of this method are black and white masks that are written to disks in ``srcdir/MasksResults``. .. Note:: This code will only run successfully if the input images are named as the following: ``whatever-name_[4 digits].jpg``. It is a requirement of the ``ForegroundSegmentation`` code. We do not think that FoxMask should handle the naming of the images to be analyzed. This should be done beforehand, by a prepossessing task. * `trcd` : Threshold for cosine distance. This value is fed to the ForegroundSegmentation code. It is a static value, but it could be made more dynamic using, for example, the average light in the image, as shown in the code below: .. code-block:: python if avgB[0] < 100.0: print 'Low light', avgB tfcd.write(str(0.001)) else: print 'High light', avgB tfcd.write(str(0.005)) Args: sortedimglist (list): The images to be analyzed impg (list): Groups of images on which to run the analysis. scrdir (string): The top level directory of the analysis. """ tempdir = srcdir + '/temp1' for sequence in range(len(impg)): print "Analyzing sequence ", sequence + 1 print impg print "range", range(impg[sequence]) for image in range(impg[sequence]): if not os.path.exists(tempdir): os.makedirs(tempdir) currentFrame = cv2.imread(sortedimglist[image + int( sum(impg[0:sequence]))]) imggray1 = cv2.cvtColor(currentFrame.copy(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imggray2 = imggray1[120:-10, 1:-10] avgB = cv2.mean(imggray2) tfcd = open('/tmp/params.txt', 'w') tfcd.write(str(0.001)) resizimg1 = cv2.resize(currentFrame, (0, 0), fx=0.3, fy=0.3) print "images", image formatedname = os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename( sortedimglist[image + int( sum(impg[0:sequence]))])) formatedname = os.path.splitext(formatedname)[0]+'.jpg' print formatedname cv2.imwrite(formatedname, resizimg1) print "Saving resized image as", formatedname cppcom1 = ["EstimateBackground", tempdir + '/', 'EstBG'] cppcom = ' '.join(cppcom1) cppcom2 = ["ForegroundSegmentation", tempdir + '/', srcdir + '/MasksResults'] cppfg = ' '.join(cppcom2) os.system(cppcom) os.system(cppfg) shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
[docs] def masks_analysis(self): """Analyze masks to detect moving objects This method will analyze created masks, taking the masks list to analyze from :func:`foxmask.Imagesanalysis.getmaskslist`. The area of all white objects in each masks are calculated. If the area is smaller than ``parameters.minsize``, the object is not considered as an animal. Returns: list: resultslist. Results of the masks analysis. """ resultslist = [] for i in range(len(self.maskslist)): print "Analyzing", self.maskslist[i] currentMask1 = cv2.imread(self.maskslist[i]) currentMask2 = currentMask1[100:-20, 1:-10] opened = cv2.morphologyEx(currentMask2, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, parameters.kernelO1) currentMaskOp1 = cv2.cvtColor(opened, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) currentMaskOp = cv2.morphologyEx(currentMaskOp1, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, parameters.kernel) currentMask = cv2.convertScaleAbs(currentMaskOp) im2, contoursE, hye = cv2.findContours(currentMask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) areas = [cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contoursE] for k in range(len(parameters.minsize)): if sum(areas) < 1: imgresult = 0 else: nobj = [] for area in areas: if area < parameters.minsize[k]: nobj.append(0) else: nobj.append(1) if sum(nobj) != 0: imgresult = 1 else: imgresult = 0 resultrow = [self.maskslist[i], imgresult, parameters.minsize[k]] print resultrow resultslist.append(resultrow) self.resultslist = resultslist return resultslist
[docs] def getmaskslist(self, srcdir): """Create a sorted list of generated masks. This method will create a list of all the images present in ``srcdir/MasksResults``. Theses images are the black and white masks created by the :func:`foxmask.Imagesanalysis.bgfgestimation` method. Before creating the list, masks with the prefix ``EstBG`` are removed. Args: srcdir (str): Top level directory containing directories of images. Returns: list: maskslist. All masks to analyze. """ resmasks = srcdir + '/MasksResults' todelete = glob.glob(resmasks + '/EstBG*') for c in todelete: os.remove(c) maskslist = glob.glob(resmasks + '/*.png') maskslist.sort() self.maskslist = maskslist return maskslist
[docs] def writeresults(self, item, resultsdir): """Write results of the mask analysis to file Args: item (str): The name of the class analyzed, representing the name of the folder analyzed. This is used to name the table in which the results will be written. resultsdir (str): The top directory where to write the final results. """ tablename = os.path.basename(item) + '.csv' tablepath = resultsdir + '/FoxMaskResults/tables/' + tablename with open(tablepath, 'w') as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerows(self.resultslist)
def main(): pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()