Source code for foxmask

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The ```` module will evaluate the background based on images
located, by default, in the ``Images`` directory of the
FoxMask repository, and perform a foreground segmentation
to identify moving objects. The main routine of the code will
iterate through every folders present in the ``Images`` directory, and
analyze found images. The ``Images`` directory is set by a variable define
in ````: **imagesDir**.

    To run this module, simply invoke it from the command

    $ python2

The ultimate output of this module is a ``Results``
directory, under which resulting masks are copied, as
well as images containing moving objects (as the result
of the analysis). Tables are also written, one table for
each directory analyzed. Each table contains the name
of the image, the result (0 or 1) of detection and parameters
used during the analysis.

import csv
import sys
import os
import cv2
from collections import defaultdict
from numpy import genfromtxt
import glob
from itertools import groupby
import time
from datetime import datetime, date
import shutil
import exiftool
import random
import xlrd
#import parameters
from fnmatch import filter, fnmatch
from parameters import *

time1 = time.time()

[docs]class Setup: ''' '''
[docs] def getfolders(self): ''' This function will take as input the **imagesDir** variable specified in ```` and return a list of all folders present in it. This list will then feed the software with all the folders containing images to be analyzed. Each folders are considered as a single analyzed entity. Returns: list. A list of all folders in **imagesDir**. ''' folderslist = os.walk(imagesDir).next()[1] print "Anlysing images in :", folderslist folderslist = [imagesDir + s for s in folderslist] return folderslist
[docs] def maketempdir(self, folder): ''' Creation of a temporary directory in which all analyzed images will be written. This directory will be created in all folders being analyzed and removed after each run. .. note:: For performances issue, the images analyzed are being resized, so this function exist to create a place where to store the resized images. Theses resized images, placed in a temporary folder, will be the one actually analyzed by the software. Returns: string. The location of the actual folder being analyzed concatenated with **temp1**. ''' if not os.path.exists(folder + '/temp1'): os.makedirs(folder + '/temp1') temp1 = os.path.join(folder, 'temp1/') return temp1
[docs] def delmaskresults(self, folder): ''' Remove the MasksResults directory. The ``MasksResults`` directory is created by the cpp command (calling ForegroundSegmentation), on each run, and resides in the folder being analyzed. If the variable **rmmasks** (in ````) is set to 1, the directory will be removed after each run. If not, masks will be kept in place. ''' if rmmasks == 1: if os.path.exists(folder + '/MasksResults'): shutil.rmtree(folder + '/MasksResults') else: pass else: pass
def makeresultsfolder(self, folder): ''' Make all needed folders to store the final results. ''' resultsdirs = ['Results', 'Results/tables', 'Results/tables/', 'Results/images', 'Results/images', 'Results/masks', 'Results/masks'] for newdir in resultsdirs: if not os.path.exists(outputDir + newdir): os.mkdir(os.path.join(outputDir, newdir))
[docs]class Getimagesinfos: ''' '''
[docs] def getimageslist(self, folder): ''' Generate a list of all images under `folder`, which is the actual folder being analyzed. This `folder` is the actual result of the iteration over the `folderslist` list. As written, the code will only gather .jpg images. .. note:: This function should be rewritten using ignore case, and should be able to gather other images format. Returns: list. The list of images under the folder being analyzed. ''' imglist = [] imglist1 = glob.glob(folder + '/*.JPG') imglist2 = glob.glob(folder + '/*.jpg') imglist = imglist1 + imglist2 print 'Done Listing Images...' return imglist
[docs] def getimagesmeta(self, imglist): ''' Get metadata ``DateTimeOriginal`` from every image in **imglist** and store them into a list. It's crucial to get the accurate time of creation as it is used by :meth:`getimpg` to group images that were taken few seconds apart. Format returned: >>> datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 6, 16, 5, 55) Returns: list. List of datetime objects representing the exact time the image were taken. ''' listtags = [] with exiftool.ExifTool() as et: metadata = et.get_metadata_batch(imglist) key = 'EXIF:DateTimeOriginal' if key in metadata[0]: tags1 = [] for y in range(len(metadata)): tag = metadata[y]['EXIF:DateTimeOriginal'] tags1.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime( (time.strptime(tag,"%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S"))))) listtags.extend(tags1) else: tags1 = [] for y in range(len(metadata)): key2 = 'File:Comment' if key2 in metadata[y]: tag2 = date_reg_expAM.findall(metadata[y]['File:Comment']) if tag2 == []: tag2 = date_reg_exp.findall(metadata[y]['File:Comment']) tag = ''.join(map(str, tag2)) tags1.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime( (time.strptime(tag,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))))) else: tag = ''.join(map(str, tag2)) tags1.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime( (time.strptime(tag,"%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p"))))) else: sys.exit("Unable to read metadata...") listtags.extend(tags1) print 'DONE Loading Metadata...' return listtags
[docs] def sortimages(self, imglist, listtags): ''' Sort images based on their metadata. This function can not be called before getimagesmeta. ''' sortedimglist = [x for (y,x) in sorted(zip(listtags, imglist))] sortedlisttags = [x for (y,x) in sorted(zip(listtags, listtags))] return sortedimglist, sortedlisttags
[docs] def getimpg(self, sortedlisttags): ''' This will group images based on the differences in time between each shot. It is crucial that the listtags are well sorted by time. ''' impg = [] res = [] for x in sortedlisttags: diff = int((x - sortedlisttags[0]).total_seconds()) res.append(diff) groups = [[res[0]]] for y in res[1 : ]: if abs(y - groups[-1][-1]) <= maxgap: groups[-1].append(y) else: groups.append([y]) impgtemp = [] for group in groups: impgtemp.append(len(group)) impg.extend(impgtemp) print 'Done Creating image sequences' return impg
class Imagesanalysis: ''' This class constitue the core code of the image analysis. It uses external cpp libraries coded by... citation... ''' def bgfgestimation(self, impg, sortedimglist, folder, temp1): ''' Estimate background model and perform foreground segmentation, which is define by subtracting the detected background to all images in `folder`. .. note:: The function will write generated images masks in every `folders` analyzed. The masks will resided in `folders/MaksResults` directory, where folder is derived from the variable `imagesDir` defined in ``. There is also an hard coded path residing in the foreground segmentation code, in `cpplibs/foreground_detection_code/code/main.cpp`. This is far for optimal, as it links the code to a location called `/vagrant/`, which will only work on a vagrant vm context. .. note:: For performances reasons, the images have been reduced by a factor of 1/3 (0.3). (Link to code). ''' for sequence in range(len(impg)): print "Analysing sequence ",sequence + 1 print impg print "range",range(impg[sequence]) for image in range(impg[sequence]): currentFrame = cv2.imread(sortedimglist[image + int( sum(impg[0:sequence]))]) imggray1 = cv2.cvtColor(currentFrame.copy(),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imggray2 = imggray1[120:-10 , 1:-10] avgB = cv2.mean(imggray2) outf = open(os.path.join(paramsdir, 'params.txt'),'w') if avgB[0] < 100.0: print 'Low light', avgB outf.write(str(0.001)) else: print 'High light', avgB outf.write(str(0.001)) resizimg1 = cv2.resize(currentFrame,(0, 0), fx = 0.3, fy = 0.3) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(temp1, os.path.basename( sortedimglist[image + int( sum(impg[0:sequence]))])[0:-4] + '.jpg'), resizimg1) print 'Saving resized images', os.path.join( temp1, os.path.basename(sortedimglist[image + int( sum(impg[0:sequence]))])[0:-4] + '.jpg') # Build cpp commands cppcom1 = [cppex, temp1, 'EstBG'] cppcom = ' '.join(cppcom1) cppcom2 = [cppex2, temp1, os.path.split( os.path.split(folder)[0])[1] + "/" + os.path.split(folder)[1] + '/MasksResults'] cppfg = ' '.join(cppcom2) # Calling cpp executable to estimate background os.system(cppcom) # Calling cpp executable to subtract background os.system(cppfg) # Cleaning temp dir for the_file in os.listdir(temp1): file_path = os.path.join(temp1, the_file) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) except Exception, e: print e def loadframes(self, sortedimglist, maskslist, i): ''' This function will load frames, one by one, to return all needed images for analysis. It will perform small opening and closing operations on images masks to cleanup some noise. ''' print "Analysing", maskslist[i] currentFrame = cv2.imread(sortedimglist[i]) resizimg1 = cv2.resize(currentFrame, (0, 0), fx = 0.3, fy = 0.3) workFrame = resizimg1[100:-20, 1:-10] workFramecp = workFrame.copy() workFrameGray = cv2.cvtColor(workFrame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) currentMask1 = cv2.imread(maskslist[i]) currentMask2 = currentMask1[100:-20, 1:-10] # Slight opening to clean noise opened = cv2.morphologyEx(currentMask2, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernelO1) # Find and draw external contours currentMaskOp1 = cv2.cvtColor(opened, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Perform small closing, to see currentMaskOp = cv2.morphologyEx(currentMaskOp1, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) currentMask = cv2.convertScaleAbs(currentMaskOp) contoursE,hye = cv2.findContours(currentMask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) return currentMask,contoursE,currentMask2,workFrame,workFramecp def getmaskslist(self, folder): ''' Load the resulted created masks as a list and sort it. ''' resmasks = folder + '/MasksResults' todel = glob.glob(resmasks + '/EstBG*') for c in todel: os.remove(c) maskslist = glob.glob(resmasks + '/*.png') maskslist.sort() print 'Loading and sorting masks' return maskslist def generateresults(self, i, maskslist, currentMask, contoursE, currentMask2, workFrame, workFramecp): ''' Load mask and find contours and size of objects in masks. This will return a list of results for each analyzed image, 0 for no detected object and 1 for a detected object. This function returns the results of one single image and stores it into a list of list. ''' Frame = workFramecp Mask = currentMask # Computing total areas areas = [cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contoursE] for k in range(len(minsize)): # Object detected if sum(areas) < 1: imgresult = 0 else: nobj = [] for area in areas: if area < minsize[k]: nobj.append(0) else: nobj.append(1) if sum(nobj) != 0: imgresult = 1 else: imgresult = 0 resultrow = [maskslist[i], imgresult, minsize[k]] return resultrow class Resultshandling: ''' This class regroup functions that handles results of the image analysis. ''' def writetable(self, folder, resultlist ): ''' Write results of animal detection in a csv table, one table on each analyzed folder. ''' outname = os.path.basename(folder) resultfile = outputDir + 'Results/tables/' + outname + '.csv' with open(resultfile, 'w') as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerows(resultlist) def main(): # Code execution # Instantiate classes runsetup = Setup() rungetimagesinfo = Getimagesinfos() runimagesanalysis = Imagesanalysis() runresultshandling = Resultshandling() # Get the folders list to be analysed folderslist = runsetup.getfolders() # Analyse folders one by one for folder in folderslist: ''' Iterate through folders and execute the code on each of them ''' imglist = rungetimagesinfo.getimageslist(folder) listtags = rungetimagesinfo.getimagesmeta(imglist) sortedimglist, sortedlisttags = rungetimagesinfo.sortimages(imglist, listtags) impg = rungetimagesinfo.getimpg(sortedlisttags) temp1 = runsetup.maketempdir(folder) runsetup.makeresultsfolder(folder) runimagesanalysis.bgfgestimation(impg, sortedimglist, folder, temp1) maskslist = runimagesanalysis.getmaskslist(folder) # Analysing images resultlist = [] for i in range(len(maskslist)): currentMask, contoursE, currentMask2, workFrame, workFramecp = runimagesanalysis.loadframes( sortedimglist, maskslist, i ) resultrow = runimagesanalysis.generateresults(i, maskslist, currentMask, contoursE, currentMask2, workFrame, workFramecp) resultlist.append(resultrow) # Write results for analysed folder runresultshandling.writetable(folder, resultlist) # Cleanup Maksresults runsetup.delmaskresults(folder) if __name__ == "__main__": main()