
Contributions to the FoxMask project is highly welcome and encouraged ! You can contribute in many ways. Note that you need a GitHub account to contribute to the project.

Report issues

You can report any issues with the project in the source code repository on GitHub. These issues can be of any kind, wrong documentation, issues with installation or usage of FoxMaks. Please write as much information as possible when submitting your issue.

Contribute to the documentation

You can visit the documentation pages directly on GitHub and edit the documentation page you wish modify. You can then submit your modification.

Contribute to the code

You can easily contribute to the code by cloning the repository, checkout to a new branch, work and your branch, and push your branch to FoxMask repository. If you get a permission denied on push, please contact a FoxMask developer to grant you access. Example workflow:

git clone
git checkout -b my-new-feature
[work on your feature]
git add *your modified files*
git commit -m 'meaningfull message concerning your modification'
git push origin my-new-feature

You can then submit a pull request on GiHub. Thank you for contributing !